" By 2050, there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish".
Estimates like these make me cringe, and make me wonder, why people are so reluctant to change their habits only a little. Why is it so difficult for many to give up plastic bags or bottles for the greater good? And how can people not see that giving up plastic will also benefit their own health? Thinking about this I often get very frustrated.
Luckily, there are many young and motivated people which know which consequences our current behaviour will pose for our ecosystems. This great video gives impressions on the current state of our oceans!
It's time to become active and be part of positive change.
Leave your mark here:
Take the Parley AIR pledge - Avoid, Intercept and Redesign. You have great ideas and are eager to collaborate with those that share the passion of saving the oceans? Join the movement, become part of the Parley Team and make your mark for the oceans: https://air.parley.tv/
Help Fund the Ocean Cleanup - The Cleanup is largely dependent on third party funding, therefore any donation and contribution will help achieve the goal of plastic free oceans by 2050. Be a part of the transition from pilot to big scale projects and support the Ocean Cleanup, so that change will come more efficiently and effectively. For contact, email: funding@theoceancleanup.com
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